— Table of content —


Working hours: 10.00 - 22.00 WIB, Flexible working hours for Merah and Maroon packages.Accepts all account types (BA, CA, FA, RP).Please read the carrd carefully before filling out the form.Expected to respect each other's privacy.Payment is made at the beginning after sending the format.Fill in format = fix booked. Therefore, please ask in advance about talent abilities and requests for affection. It is expected that the client will not ask for things other than those listed in the format to the talent.Talents are bound by regulations to maintain customer comfort, so it is hoped that customers will also maintain comfort and respect talent privacy.A little slow response during the day and night. But I will ask your permission first if there is any business.You're allowed to send me a pict about your activities, but not face reveal.Talent and client are prohibited from sharing chat screenshots or forwarding messages, voice note unless in urgent situations or for PDAIf a client becomes unresponsive for more than 6 hours (for daily sessions) or 1 hour (for ONS and OTP), me reserves the right to terminate the session.Expected to provide a rate-honest review after the session is over.NSFW thingy only applies to 19+When the NSFW session is in X, Clovy uses a dedicated account for PDA NSFW. Unless you still choose to use the PDA SFW in x when choosing a NSFW session.Heather is a flower that symbolizes glory.

NameClovy Light
Main FCKarina and Yuna
Side FCIrene, Giselle, Yujin, Jennie, Sana, Sherinna, Yeji, Lana, Nagyung
Love LanguageWord of Affrimation, Quality Time, Receiving Gift, Physical touch
LanguangeBahasa, English, Sunda

- get to know her -

Tentang perempuan yang bernama Clovy Light kamu bisa panggil coco, ovy atau panggilan khusus dari kamu. Kamu tau hal apa yang paling aku suka? Yaitu ketika melihat kamu tersenyum.Ada kata pepatah tak kenal maka tak sayang, jadi kita kenalan dulu. Aku adalah gadis yang talkactive apapun akan dibahas, aku suka cerita dan dengerin cerita kamu sambil makan cookies dan teh bersama mu. Aku akan menjadi gadis penurut dan sedikit nakal bila diberitahukan sesuatu. Aku juga suka merespon semua pesan dari mu, aku akan khawatir ketika kamu hilang dan tidak mengabari ku. Aku orangnya posesif jika kamu membahas orang lain dalam hubungan kita. Aku akan selalu mengabari kamu ketika aku akan melakukan sesuatu. Aku suka mengirim hadiah dan menerima hadiah terutama hadiah darimu. Aku sangat bawel dan juga apapun akan aku bahas seperti macam macam gaya sampai gaya renang pun aku bahas. Aku suka saat kamu bermanja kepadaku lalu mengadukan banyak hal yang terjadi hari ini.Hal lain yang aku sangat suka adalah membaca dan belajar, jadi kalau kamu mau menemani aku boleh, aku akan dengan senang hati menghabiskan waktu bersamamu. Aku menyukai lagu one only dari pamungkas karena kamu yang pertama dan selalu pertama dihatiku. Aku suka sekali kucing dan juga susu putih. Kalau kamu sukanya apa? Ayo kamu ceritakan tentang kesukaan mu bersama aku. Sampai ketemu nanti!

- Side muse -

Kuning.7.000/hour.An hourly package. Get free service. Stay uplate is not included in the price, so if you want to stay up late, there will be an additional fee.
Hijau.15.000/half day.A half-day package. Get free service, max. 6 hours in work hour.
Biru.23.000/day.A VIP daily package. Get free service, one client in each platform, free get one adds service (Game Date, Pap Activity).
Merah.28.000/day.A VVIP daily package. Get free service, only you in all platform, free get two adds service (PDA, Game Date, Pap Activity) and flexible work hour.
Maroon.30.000/day.A VVIP NSFW daily package. Get free service and NSFW service (dirty talk / imagine / plotting / litelatur in session), only you in all platform, free get two adds service (PDA NSFW, Game date, Pap Activity) and flexible work hour.
Kucing.20.000/day.A ONS package. Free adds service dirty talk / imagine / plotting / litelatur in session (max. 3 hours).
OTP only.20.000/hour.On the phone unmute only without session.
Happy Birthday Package.50.000/day.Celebrate your bday with Clovy, and you'll get special gifts from her! Flexible hours, PDA, and free all basic request with OTP 30 menit, Game Date/Imagine SFW (choose two).

Adds On.

  • PDA SFW: 5.000/day.

  • PDA NSFW: 10.000/day.

  • Listening date [Discord, Spotifty]: 5.000/hour.

  • N/SFW [Dirty talk, imagine] : 12.000/session.

  • N/SFW Plotting : 15.000/session.

  • Pap Activity : 5.000/ 3 foto.

  • Stay up late : 5.000/hour.

  • VN : 15.000/day

  • OTP (With Session) : 18.000/hour.

  • OTP (Without Session) : 20.000/hour.

  • Sleep call unmute : 25.000/night (1 jam unmute sisanya mute sampai tidur)

  • In Character : 5.000/day.

  • Game date : 5.000/hour

  • No self promote : 5.000/day

  • Art date digital : 10.000/session.

  • Writing date : 8.000/day

  • Lego date : Bills on you.

  • Art date non digital : Bills on you.

  • Food date : Bills on you.

  • Cinema date : Bills on you.

  • Match layout : Bills on you.


Clovy Form.I. About Client.Your name and nickname:
Age: (Minor/Legal)
Your face claim:
Describe yourself:
What did you expect from Talent:
Any TW:
Rental purpose: (BA/FA/CA/RP)
Relationship: (BxG/GxG/GxB/Bestie/Family)
Platform: (Twitter/Telegram/Line)
Username twitter & platform ID:
II. About Talent.Face claim fequest:
Pet name request:
Typing: (Lowecase/Sentence) (Aku-Kamu/Lu-Gua/dll)
Language: (Indo/Bilingual/Sunda)
Note's for talent:
What kind PDA form talent:
III. About Package.Package:
Start date - End Date:
Additional service:
Secret Code: (Terdapat di dalam carrd)
If you find me from menfess (Link menfess / selfprom):
Note's for session:
Payment : QRIS Manager
IV. About NSFW.Range Age: Please kindly mention ur (not only legal) and don’t lie about this.
Imagine/Dirty talk/Plotting:
Acts make you turn on:
Acts make you turn off:
GIF/Sticker/Video: (Yes/No)
Languange: (Indo/Bilingual) / (Frontal/Non frontal)
Safe Word:
Bersedia sesi dimasukkan ke ch proof: Yes/No
PDA NSFW di X khusus NSFW : Yes/No
PDA SFW di X saat sesi NSFW : Yes/No
Notes for session :